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How much does a website cost in the UK?

Posted on 8th December 2022

How much does a website cost in the UK?- This is a question with many possible answers and will largely depend on the complexity of the site. If you are a small or medium sized business, you will not need a very complex website like a large multinational business. There are affordable solutions that will work for an SME to help them become established and drive growth. Let’s look at some of the issues around website cost that you might want to consider.

Plan your website layout and content first

Like everything in life, there is nothing like a good plan. Your plan needs to convey who you are and what you do but at the same time keeping it precise and brief. A good clear plan will help to keep the costs under control. Here are a few aspects of your website plan which you will need if you are to develop a good website and keep costs / time in check.
  • Your website elevator pitch

Start with your elevator pitch. Do you feel happy that it says who you are and do customers respond well to it. If not, better to get this sorted before you start incurring time and money on a new website.
  • Add clear branding to your website

Do you have a logo, business artwork, colour scheme that your customers will identify you with. These properties will need to be mirrored in your website design.
  • Provide the right level of information on your website

Do you have written details of your products or services that are suitable for a website. The website needs to contain enough information so that potential customer can understand what you are offering. It is a tricky balance to gauge the right level of information and not overload the website pages with superfluous extras.

Ecommerce on your website

The need for Ecommerce on your website will depend on the nature of your business. If you require ecommerce, there is a good choice of Ecommerce applications that will be available depending on the route you choose ( see discussion of choices below). The plan can be a simple as a hand drawing so long as the underlying ideas are clear. You should consider asking for help at this early stage from your web designer, so you use your time efficiently.

What are my choices with website designs

There is large choice of ready-made templates you can use especially if you are at an early stage of development. Once you choose a template, you will have to follow the choice of formats that that template provides but normally there is plenty of room to manoeuvre. Template sites can be developed at an affordable rate with the help of your web designer. For more complex sites you might consider a template or consider a move to a more bespoke layout and style. This will be more expensive, and you will need your web designer to create your bespoke site.

Develop your website with a web design partner

We have looked at some of the aspects which will help you to answer the question how much a website cost in the UK?, but you are likely to need a web design partner to achieve your goal. At Say Web Design we can help you with a website whether it is your first or you want a major overhaul. We pride ourselves on high levels of customer service and affordable websites. Please get in touch if you want to talk through your website plans.