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You Know You Need a Web Designer When…

Posted on 21st October 2020

There comes a time in the life of many businesses where it dawns on those in charge that help is needed urgently to get the brand’s website in order. The only problem being that in most instances, it’s a realisation only reached when a certain amount of damage has already been done. On the plus side, it is in fact perfectly possible to be proactive about such things.  So with this in mind, we thought we’d share with you a few red-flag warning signs – each of which suggests that you could do with speaking to an experienced web designer, sooner rather than later:

  1. Your Rankings Are Slipping

First up, one of the clearest indications that things are definitely not as they should be is any kind of slip. Fluctuations are normal and you cannot realistically expect to hang on to the same position indefinitely over the years.  However, if things appear to be on a downward trajectory and you cannot for the life of you work out why, you need to speak to someone who can. These are exactly the kinds of problems that need to be nipped in the bud as early as possible.
  1. Bounce Rates Are On the Up

The same also goes for any indication that bounce rates are on the up. The website bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who navigate away after only viewing one page. Once again, fluctuations are normal and most online businesses hit occasional turbulence. Nevertheless, if things are quickly or gradually pointing to greater customer dissatisfaction, it could be that you are doing something wrong. Bear in mind that customer expectations shift and evolve over time – precisely why your website needs to do the same accordingly.
  1. Conversion Rates Are Suffering

It’s one thing to earn plenty of traffic and hold onto your visitors’ attention for a decent amount of time. But if conversion rates just aren’t as they should be, action needs to be taken. If you’ve already exhausted all ideas or simply have no idea where to start when it comes to halting plummeting conversion rates, a chat with the experts comes highly recommended.
  1. You Haven’t Updated Your Website for Years

Just because your website was a beacon of brilliance a couple of years ago does not mean that it is anything of the sort today. As already mentioned, the simple fact of the matter is that websites need to be constantly evolving and shifting, in accordance with consumer expectations. If you haven’t updated or revisited your website in some time perhaps it is time to contact a web designer/developer.
  1. Your Mobile Experience Isn’t Stellar

It’s no longer simply enough to operate a desktop website that is ‘accessible’ via mobile devices, or build a watered-down mobile site to run alongside your primary website. If anything, it needs to be the mobile experience that shines the brightest of all.
  1. You’ve No Road map Whatsoever

Last but not least, getting ahead and maintaining a competitive position throughout the course of any year means having a strong and workable road map in place for your website. If you currently have no concrete plans set out, you could be in for a tough year. As such, if you really aren’t sure where to start or could do with outside input, speaking to a professional web designer could help map out a successful 2017.